
The Advantages of Using Butterfly Valves

What is a butterfly?

a butterfly is a quarter turn valve to regulate the flow. Metal disc is positioned in the closed position in the valve body perpendicular to the flow and a quarter turn of rotation parallel to the flow in the fully open position. Rotation means allows the regulation of the fluid flow. They are commonly used in agriculture and water or waste water treatment, and is the most common type and well known of the valve.

Butterfly Benefits

Similar butterfly valve, but has several advantages. They are small, when the opening and closing of the air very fast. The disc is lighter than the ball, and the diameter comparable ball valves requires less structural support. Butterfly is very accurate, which makes them in industrial applications is advantageous. They are quite reliable, and requires very little maintenance.

The Butterfly disadvantage

A disadvantage is that a butterfly portion of the disc is always presented to the flow even when it is fully open. The use of butterfly always cause the entire pressure switch, regardless of the setting.

Valve electrical operation, pneumatic or manual

Valve can be configured manually, electronically or pneumatically. The faster the valve pneumatically. Electronic valves require signal transmission, to open or close, and pneumatic valves can be single or double drive. A single actuator valve is normally provided with a safety signal required to open, which means that when power is interrupted the valve spring to the fully closed position. Double-pneumatic valve is not actuated spring, and both need a signal to open and close.

Automatic pneumatic valve both reliable and durable. Reduces wear increases the life cycle of the valve, reducing working hours in order to maintain the valve, or risk losing operating costs.

If you would like to know more about Butterfly Valves, take a look at our website: http://www.jcdgroup.com.cn

