
How to wear the toupee like your own hair

You hould pay attention to the following points.

1, the size of the wig to the right, whether the location of their temples coincided with the temples.

2, the wig material generally has two kinds: one kind is true, one is the artificial hair, it is best to use a real hair do hair and caps, really have no black with the natural black hair is appropriate.

3, the wig cover of the bottom of the embryo (the mechanism of the hair of the bottom), the best ventilation performance is good, not very smooth thin fabric for good. Very smooth foundation, not easy to wear on the head.

If you want to customize or mail order, be sure to head size attached, head size includes the following main parts to us.

1, from the forehead to the occipital bone under the ring size, occipital in the back of a prominent place measurement when to locate in the hollow place below

2, from the forehead to the occipital bone below the root length of positioning

Two, 3 ears at the top of the head to bypass the head of the head of the length

4, two from the forehead sideburns

5, two ears before the root distance

Wearing a wig, should wear at myself in the mirror, the hands holding a set of hair temples, began to wear it on the head, should be a little nearer the front when the microscope has to be positive, and then his hands hold the top is set to move back to the right position so far.

More info, welcome to contact us on our website: http://www.organichairextension.com 

